Welcome to

Sodak Publishing

I have an idea...

Independent authors understand that writing is a slow, solitary process. We set sail alone into the foggy waters of story-telling and try to shine our light as bright as we can for the readers. But what if we didn't have to do the publishing part of it by ourselves?

That cute little cardinal to the left represents more to me than just some imprint to slap on the spine of my books. Sodak Publishing and Cardi B, as my wife aptly named him, represent my home in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and I want them to mean that for my community of creators as well.

I don't yet know what shape Sodak Publishing will take in the future, but if you're a local or independent writer, artist, or dreamer that wants to chat about publishing your work, please reach out to me and let's make something great!

But for now...

shop my works!